Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Another day, Another lighthouse

We needed to do some administrative duties today (laundry). That was our only real 'must do'. We did spend a few hours in Manteo, a village on Roanoke island. In 1587, 117 men women and children came ashore on Roanoke island to establish an English settlement. 3 years later in 1590 a small flotilla returned with supplies for the settlers, only to find the island deserted. There has been very little evidence to indicate what happened. FOX news reported at the time that they got tired of the BS and moved to Canada. Tomorrow we move to Williamsburg Va.


  1. Did you go up in the light house. I saw pbs one night and a light house that looked like that was being redone. Do all light houses have the black and white base?

  2. Hope your weather is better in Williamsburg. It is a neat place...I will expect a pic of you in knickers, Dave.
