Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Parc Provincial de la Re'publique

We left Nova Scotia and are now in New Brunswick. During the drive we passed exits for towns called Pugwash and Sackville. We drove on the Trans Canada highway to get here. There were very few cars and fewer trucks. There was no litter and  no shredded truck tire debris. We have determined that we need to make 113 miles / day in order to be in Anacortes Washington on the proper day in order to catch the ferry to the Orcas islands.That's a pretty relaxed schedule. Jenny gets full credit for finding this place. There is a bike trail that goes forever, there is a river for yakking, and there is a botanical garden. The pics below were taken during our exploratory bike ride.

1 comment:

  1. Wow artichokes growing, never seen that before, a person made out of flowers interesting. Enjoyed phone call yesterday Dave. Interesting to find out the dog place actually checked out a reference! She is getting use to things around, not barking as much. She must have led a sheltered like, ha!
