Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Superior sailing

Two big events today. We had an alarming amount of laundry. We did that this morning. Next was a city tour. Thunder Bay is kind of a rustbelt type city. Industries have come and gone and the main driver of the economy now is government. There is some port stuff, mainly grain. Our tour guide was the only city tour guide in town.  He picked us up in his van. We were the only clients. Our first stop was the marina. We had a chilly, exhilarating, hour and a half sailboat ride on the lake. Our captain was a 20 something guy with shoulder length hair with his hat on backwards wearing Ray Bans. He could sail. We have decided to cross back into the States tomorrow. Our next 2 Canadian Provinces are Manitoba and Saskatchewan. We have looked at both of those provinces and not seen much of interest. I think they grow stuff there. Like Iowa or Kansas. Not that I don't like Iowa but I wouldn't want to vacation there.

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