Friday, August 18, 2017


We took a NP guided boat tour this morning. I learned some stuff. I will share. Lobster used to be considered a large, disgusting, aquatic insect and no one would eat it. The waters off of Maine used to be teaming with Cod. They were extremely abundant. You can guess what happened. A Cod's favorite food is young lobster. No Cod, lobster population explosion. What are the Cod fisherman to do? Suddenly lobster became a delicious delicacy. Problem solved. The lobster fisherman didn't want to repeat the mistakes of their Cod fishing fathers so there are restrictions on what they can keep. Too small or too large or a breeding female are thrown back. Only 1 in five that are caught are kept. It's working so far. Tomorrow we should be in Canada. We have changed our phone plan for this trip so nothing should be different. I'm currently waiting in the Wal-Mart parking lot. I couldn't bring myself to go in.

1 comment:

  1. Yes school is starting, need to slow down in school zone! Lobster unfit to eat, hard to believe.
