Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Cape Hatteras

The weather today was abysmal. It started last night with what felt like hurricane force winds. The MP was bouncing around and swaying back and forth. We went for a walk this morning and got back with a mild case of windburn
Just as the deluge started. Our plan was to drive south and take the ferry to Ocracoke island. We drove south to the ferry landing but when we got there the rain was blowing horizontally so we didn't  do it. We found a place to eat and then visited the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse. That area is called the graveyard of the Atlantic because of all the shipwrecks. During WW2 the Germans were sinking a ship a day. They called it the Carolina Turkey shoot. Tomorrow will be our last day here.

1 comment:

  1. Too bad about such high winds, I would have worried about mp blowing over, shades of the Guadalupe Mountains
