Friday, August 11, 2017

Colonial Williamsburg day 2

Rain was in the forecast today. It rained on us after we got here. That lasted about 15 minutes. The sun came out and the humidity went up. It felt like home. We we're walking through a garden and there were a couple of Pawpaw trees that were fruiting. I have heard that the fruit has an exquisite taste. They are not sold in stores because the fruit has a 1 day shelf life. Anyway, I was given a couple of them and will try them when they ripen. We explored the colony for 6 1/2 hours. Everyone we talked to was a walking encyclopedia. All of our questions were answered and then expanded upon to the point that we had to thank them and then walk away. We both feel comfortable that we have seen enough. There is a lot of history in this area but we have a time constraint and gotta go. Tomorrow is Gettysburg.

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