Monday, August 28, 2017

Thunder Bay Ontario

We drove for 7 hours today and we are still on the North shore of Lake Superior. We had an interest in stopping here because, a few years ago we did a 2 week kayak trip around Isle Royale, an island 15 miles from here. We could see Thunder Bay and we got our weather reports from here during that trip. The Trans Canada highway took us close to the shore with scenic overlook turnouts many times, but with the MP, towing the Forester I was worried we couldn't get turned around. We were unable to pull over very many times. Oh well. Tomorrow we have booked a tour of the city. We are thinking that we might have reached a Yogi Berra, fork in the road moment. More on that tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like jenny has too many choices at the liquor store! Have you tried Evan Williams white. It is lethal!
